About the Curriculum

Providing very comfortable and healthy buildings in an energy-efficient, sustainable and financially viable way, and ready to play in the smart grid? 

hybridGEOTABS buildings offer huge potential to meet the key goals for buildings in the European green deal. Building-integrated radiant heating and cooling systems and geothermal heat pumps are a match made in heaven, enabling very high energy efficiencies and the flexibility of thermal storage, while providing freedom of space and high thermal comfort to the user. The hybrid combination of this GEOTABS concept with additional systems, enlarges the application field to a variety of mid-size and large buildings throughout Europe. The smart controller (a Model Predictive Controller) continuously optimises the real-life building performance and can govern the interaction with renewables and the grid. 

hybridGEOTABS refers to the efficient integration of the combination of GEOTABS (GEOthermal heat pumps with Thermally Activated Building Systems) and secondary heating and cooling systems in buildings, controlled using model predictive controls (MPC). This technology offers huge potential to meet heating and cooling needs throughout Europe in a sustainable way, while providing a very comfortable conditioning of the indoor space. 

This training comes in two parts, How to exploit hybridGEOTABS which introduces the hybridGEOTABS concept and its key assets and is accessible for everyone fascinated by sustainable building, and, How to design and operate hybridGEOTABS which introduces the hybridGEOTABS concept and its main benefits and challenges, providing insights into the technical principles underlying the concept and the design.


13 modules 12h 40m

Curriculum Sections

1. How to exploit HybridGEOTABS

This training introduces the hybridGEOTABS concept and its key assets and is accessible for everyone fascinated by sustainable building.
The curriculum is targeting mainly business-oriented audiences organised in 5 modules - each of them covering a different topic - with a total duration of approximately 1hr 40min.

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1. How to Design and Operate HybridGEOTABS

This training introduces the hybridGEOTABS concept and its main benefits and challenges, providing insights into the technical principles underlying the concept and the design.
The curriculum is organised in 9+1 modules - each of them covering a different topic - with a total duration of approximately 11 hrs.

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